The Show Must Go On is a 2010 Croatian science fiction drama directed and written by Nevio Marasović, starring Sven Medvešek and Nataša Dorčić.
A dystopian story about a TV producer who keeps his reality show's contestants unaware of a global war raging outside their compound, Marasović's debut feature film debut was shot on a very low budget. It won several awards at the Croatian national film festival in Pula and was welcomed by the critics, despite receiving mixed reviews.Synopsis
Ten years in the future, TV producer Filip Dogan (Sven Medvešek) starts Housed!, a reality show featuring six couples who live in an isolated, Big Brother-like house in Zagreb for 180 days. The ratings are poor until international tensions between Western countries and their unidentified Asian rival escalate into a global war which turns the entire European continent into a battlefield. Military aircraft are flying over Zagreb, and some of the city's landmarks, such as Zagreb Cathedral and Cibona Tower, are in ruins.