The Task is a 2011 British horror film inspired by MTV's Fear, directed by Alex Orwell, written by Kenny Yakkel, produced by Christopher Milburn and Courtney Solomon, starring Alexandra Staden, Victor McGuire and Adam Rayner. The film is produced by After Dark Originals and was released by Lions Gate Entertainment on 28 January 2011.Synopsis
Six terrified people, Shoe (Ashley Mulheron), Randall (Marc Pickering), Toni (Amara Karan), Dixon (Texas Battle) and brother and sister Stanton (Tom Payne) and Angel (Antonia Campbell-Hughes), are kidnapped to take part in a new reality show which will see them spending a night in an abandoned prison to win $20,000. Show host, Taylor (Adam Rayner) handcuffs the contestants together, removes their belongings and sends them into the prison.