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Where Chimneys Are Seen is a film of genre Drama directed by Heinosuke Gosho with Ken Uehara

Where Chimneys Are Seen (1953)

Where Chimneys Are Seen
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Length 1h48
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Comedy
Rating74% 3.7069153.7069153.7069153.7069153.706915

Entotsu no mieru basho (Japanese: 煙突の見える場所) is a 1953 Japanese drama film directed by Heinosuke Gosho. It was entered into the 3rd Berlin International Film Festival.


La vie de deux couples dans un quartier de la classe moyenne inférieure de Senju, un secteur industriel pauvre de Tokyo, illustre les expériences quotidiennes des gens ordinaires.


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Where Chimneys Are Seen, 1h48
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Origin Japon
Genres Drama, Comedy
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The New Road: Akemi, 1h4
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The New Road: Ryota, 1h8
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Origin Japon
Genres Drama
Actors Kinuyo Tanaka, Ken Uehara, Hiroko Kawasaki, Hideko Takamine, Shin Saburi, Tatsuo Saitō
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The Neighbour's Wife and Mine, 1h4
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Mothra (1961)
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Origin Japon
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Ugetsu (1953)
, 1h37
Directed by Kenji Mizoguchi
Origin Japon
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Sports films, Transport films, Martial arts films, Ghost films
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Tokyo Chorus, 1h30
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Origin Japon
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Hideko Takamine, Emiko Yagumo, Tatsuo Saitō, Takeshi Sakamoto, Chōko Iida
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Origin Japon
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Song of the Flower Basket, 1h9
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The Village Bride
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Origin Japon
Genres Drama
Actors Emiko Yagumo, Kinuyo Tanaka

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