The film is a fictional version of the dramatic events of the 1969 abduction of the American ambassador Charles Burke Elbrick (played by Alan Arkin) in 1969. Elbrick was taken in Rio de Janeiro by the Revolutionary Movement 8th October (MR-8) with help of Ação Libertadora Nacional (ALN). Gabeira (played by Pedro Cardoso and named Paulo in the film) as a student joins the radical movement after the military takeover of the Brazilian government. He and his comrades, led by Andréia, gradually decided to kidnap the ambassador as a protest, and are shown mostly planning and executing the kidnapping. Paulo is portrayed as "the most intelligent and uncertain of the kidnappers.
Best friends Acerola and Laranjinha live in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, and have been raised without their fathers. They are turning eighteen as a war between rival drug gangs begins around them. Each discovers things about his missing father that will compromise their solid friendship.
Le film commence avec un médecin de São Paulo, le Dr Rafidjian (Paulo Hesse), qui demande de l'aide auprès d'une agence de détective de Dora Lobo (Eliana Guttman) pour retrouver une fille disparue nommée Ana Cíntia Lopes.
L'histoire de trois jeunes universitaires : Léon, étudiant en sociologie, Leticia, étudiante en architecture, et Paulo, étudiant en médecine.
Léon partage son appartement avec Paulo. Leticia et Léon sortent ensemble. Lorsque Leticia et Paulo se rencontrent, ils tombent amoureux. Mais Paulo étant le meilleur ami de Léon, le triangle amoureux ne se concrétise pas. Ce qui n'empêche pas que certaines tensions naissent entre les trois jeunes.
Les trois amis vivent une expérience limite alors qu'ils essaient d'aider Rosalina, une patiente hospitalisée dans le CHU où Paulo est interne, préoccupée par la disparition de ses fils. Au cours de leurs recherches dans les banlieues de Rio, Léon, Paulo et Leticia sont confrontés à la violence urbaine.
Léon tente de sauver le jeune fils de Rosalina, poursuivi par les policiers qui ont assassiné son frère, mais il est blessé.
The film portrays the fictional story of Lúcia, a widowed middle class piano teacher whose 18-year-old son Rafael is imprisoned before the riots because of his participation in a car accident which resulted in the death of a girl. While visiting her son at jail, Lúcia meets Ruiva (English: Redheaded), lawyer of "the Professor", leader of the PCC (referred in the movie as "The Command"). The two women soon bond, and Ruiva starts using Lúcia in tasks for the criminal organization. Lúcia needs the money so she ends up accepting the mission, putting herself in the boundary between legality and crime. Meanwhile, The Command is experiencing a turbulent internal dispute for power, while facing a common enemy: the prison system.
José Renato (Irandhir Santos), a geologist, is sent on a 30-day assignment into an isolated region in the Northeast of Brazil. The film is a road movie with a succession of images of the passing landscape and seemingly endless highway, narrated by the protagonist.
Sandro Rosa do Nascimento , un jeune homme d'un milieu pauvre, monte dans un bus le 12 juin 2000 et, sous la menace d'une arme, prend les passagers en otages pendant quatre heures. L'événement a été montré en direct à la télévision. Le film analyse l'incident et montre la vie dans les bidonvilles et les favelas de Rio de Janeiro ainsi que la façon dont les classes inférieures sont traitées par le système de justice pénale au Brésil.
Veronica, a newly graduated medical student, goes through a moment of reflection and doubt. She questions not only her professional choices, but also her intimate relationships and even her ability to cope with life.
The dullard Maguila accidentally kills the drug lord of Favela Santa Marta, Rio de Janeiro. Pursued by other drug dealers, Maguila flees from the favela along with a 13-year-old tomboy nicknamed Branquinha who proclaims herself Maguila's wife. Amid the confusion, Branquinha takes her friend Japa into a car whose driver is obligated to help Maguila. Suddenly, Maguila get out of the car with the children. They arrive in the house of the American William, and Maguila asks to use to pee in his bathroom, as according to Branquinha he was well-bred by his mother. Assuming it is a robbery, William's chauffeur shoots Maguila who in response kills him.
São Paulo state, 1890s. João (Lázaro Ramos) is a former slave and the son of an Orisha priestess and works as a muleherd for a coronel. One day, he and his close friend Cirino (Leandro Firmino da Hora) decide to leave the farm. João takes his mother to Cafundó, the bastion of Afro-American religion in the vicinity. However, João leaves the community and takes errands to work in menial jobs. He meets a possessed white prostitute named Rosário (Leona Cavalli) and falls in love. Only after an unhappy marriage with Rosário and his mother's demise, João has a series of visions and decides to work as a spiritual leader for Sorocaba. In 1906, he builds a church with help from Cirino and begins to preach his syncretic faith, which is a blend of Orisha worship, veneration of Catholic saints, and eventually Kardecist spiritism.