The film opens with Lígia, a barmaid who is fed up with her grueling routine and who is forced to routinely turn down the sexual propositions of the bar's customers. One of the men who hits on Lígia is Isaac, a necrophiliac who enjoys sodomizing corpses and drinking their blood. He lives at the Texas Hotel, where Dunga, a gay man, works as a handyman. Dunga is attracted to Wellington, a butcher who delivers meat to the hotel. Wellington, however, is married to Kika, a woman who is proud to be an evangelical Christian. However, Wellington cheats on his wife with a woman named Dayse. Dayse tires of being Wellington's mistress and tells Dunga about the relationship.
Laerte est un violoniste doué qui veut intégrer l’orchestre symphonique de Sao Paulo. Tétanisé par le trac, il échoue à l’examen d'entrée. Pour gagner sa vie, il accepte d’enseigner la musique à des adolescents d’Heliópolis, la plus grande favela de la ville. Après un temps d'adaptation dans ce milieu violent, Laerte va tisser des liens forts avec ses élèves et les faire grandement progresser.
Une anthologie de films courts dédiés à la ville brésilienne de Rio de Janeiro. Chacun des récits, en véritable déclaration d'amour, révèle un quartier et une caractéristique de la cité à travers le drame social, le conte spirituel, la chronique de moeurs, la comédie sentimentale ou la satire.
A family with financial difficulties is a brilliant idea: to make the daughter Lindinha (Marisol Ribeiro) impregnate the famous singer Ivan Cláudio (Caco Ciocler), the king of Xique. They just did not have a jealous Jennifer (Luana Piovani), wife of Ivan, who will not let this story cheap.
Darlene, une femme courageuse et intuitive, revient dans son village natal, à Russas, situé dans une région reculée du Nordeste au Brésil, avec un bébé venu d'on ne sait où. Elle avait fui sa campagne pour un mariage qui n'a pas eu lieu. Le vieil Osias lui propose de l'épouser. Démunie et seule, elle accepte. Darlene s'occupe de tout, travaille à la plantation, laissant son époux à son oisiveté maladive. Lorsque ce dernier recueille son cousin, Zezinho, Darlene succombe au charme de ce nouveau venu et tombe enceinte. Elle accumule alors les maris sous le toit familial avec l'arrivée du jeune et beau Ciro. Chacun finit par s'accommoder de l'embarrassante mais pittoresque situation : les époux successifs apprennent à faire le deuil de leur machisme.
Dans le Brésil d'aujourd'hui, il existe un autre pays, invisible, celui des domestiques, des livreurs, des chauffeurs et des voleurs à la petite semaine. Que ce soit Cida, Roxanne, Quitéria ou Raimunda, toutes caressent un rêve: un mariage, un meilleur mari ou une carrière de mannequin. Et toutes partagent le même enfer: la condition de domestique. Domésticas n'est pas un film sur les employées de maison, mais une comédie nourrie de leurs propres histoires, autour de ces petites choses de la vie qui donnent de l'espoir. De nouvelles rencontres, la musique et la solidarité créent des moments de joie. Il existe un pays à l'intérieur du Brésil: l'univers invisible des domestiques. Si ce Brésil ignoré disparaissait, les Brésiliens se retrouveraient dans le chaos le plus total.
In 1968, the Dominican friars of São Paulo became part of the resistance against the military dictatorship in Brazil. Under the pseudonyms of "Tito", "Betto", "Oswaldo", "Fernando", and "Ivo", the friars join the Ação Libertadora Nacional, a communist guerrilla movement headed by Carlos Marighella. The friars' superior, Diogo, recommends them to be more careful, and they decide to disperse themselves.
1986 — Thomás is born with his eyes closed, and he does not open them for several weeks following the birth. Julieta, his mother, is unconcerned, believing that when Thomás is ready and wants to open his eyes, he will. These events instill a strong belief in free will in young Thomás. One day, seemingly out of nowhere, Thomás opens his eyes, apparently to look directly at his five-year-old half-brother Francisco.
Romão (Wagner Moura) and Rose (Cláudia Abreu) are a poor couple living in Paraíba and in search of a job that pays R$1,000 a month, the sum Romão believes to be the minimum necessary for him to feed his children. They decide to make a trip by bicycle to Rio de Janeiro with their five children: teenager Antônio (Ravi Ramos Lacerda); children Rodney (Manoel Sebastião Alves Filho), Clévis (Felipe Newton Silva Rodrigues) and Suelena (Cícera Cristina Almino de Lima); and newborn Cícero (Cícero Wesley A. Ferreira).
In 1908 Titoe (Kyoko Tsukamoto) arrives in Brazil, a Japanese coming to the country in attempt to get money from work and then return to Japan to be able to follow her life in the home country. In 1935, now with her daughter Shinobu (Nobu McCarthy) born and without enough money to return to Japan, Titoe decides to buy her first plot of land in Londrina. The Second World War, and its consequences for Japan end up further delaying Titoe's plans to return to the country, especially after Kazumi and Maria (Tamlyn Tomita), her grandchildren were born. Maria marries Gabriel (Jorge Perrugoría), gaijin son of a Spanish father and Italian mother, with whom he has two children: Yoko (Lissa Diniz) and Pedro. The business of Gabriel is going well, until the seizure made by the Collor Government in 1990 leads to bankruptcy. Without alternatives, Maria and the children will live with Titoe while Gabriel embarks to Kobe, intending to work temporarily and raise money for the family.
Peter Mandrake (Coyote), an American photographer in Brazil, is preparing an in loco essay for his new book, about the "Train Surfers" (groups of boys who court danger "surfing" on the roof of the trains) in the city of Rio de Janeiro. A local call girl he is friends with is murdered, and when the police can make no progress Mandrake decides to investigate himself. Subsequently, two hired thugs break into his apartment demanding a disk, and, when he doesn't produce it because he can't do so, they rape his girlfriend and stab him, leaving him to die. Vowing revenge, Mandrake enlists the help of Hermes (Karyo), a professional knife fighter who owes Mandrake a debt, to teach him the art of knife fighting. The obsession this develops into causes Mandrake's girlfriend to leave him, wanting the whole thing to simply go away, but Mandrake refuses to let go.