The film's premise is partially set in 1931 during the Spanish Civil War, where a group of children are brought to a monastery turned hospital for medical testing. None of the children are capable of feeling physical pain, something that Dr. Holzmann (Derek de Lint) hopes to remedy with his procedures. However at the same time his colleague Dr. Carcedo (Ramon Fontserè) believes that the children would be better off locked up in his asylum in Canfranc. One young patient named Benigno (played at different ages by Ilias and Mot Stothart) stands out in particular, as he proves to be exceptionally intelligent but also easily prone to violent outbursts - something that Carcedo believes is further proof of his beliefs. Holzmann's plans are ultimately never brought to fruition, as the hospital is besieged and taken over by several different military forces.
Des meurtres semblables à ceux attribués à Jack l'Éventreur sont commis à Madrid. Holmes (Gary Piquer), qui est sujet à des rêves prémonitoires au cours desquels il entrevoit la survenue de ces meurtres, décide de se rentre à Madrid pour enquêter sur l'affaire en compagnie du Docteur Watson (José Luis García Pérez) marié depuis peu à Mary Morstan (Leticia Dolera).
Winners introduces us to WIN, a project set in place by the Spanish Red Cross in Liberia, with a program to integrate vulnerable women in Monrovia into the social and labor fields. More than fourteen years of wars have relegated these women to the lowest rung of the social ladder of the already fragile Liberian society, turning them into the perfect victims of a gender violence that could well become an institution.
De nos jours, au pays Dogon, le peintre espagnol Miquel Barceló revient sur les traces de l'écrivain français François Augiéras, qu'il croit être son double, selon une vieille légende malienne...
A team of anti-guerilla commandos led by an experienced sergeant and commanded by a green lieutenant are sent to secure the approach to a mountain base amid towering radio masts. When they are in position they are told to wait for their backup which has been delayed by enemy action en route. One of the soldiers, Arango, is impatient to get into the base and after arguing with the lieutenant, makes a dash up the stairs to the base. The radio operator, Parra, tries to stop him, but steps on a mine which shatters his leg and destroys the primary radio. The sergeant insists they must now enter the base to use the medical facilities.
A 15-year-old, Sara, lives with an apparently normal suburban family. She develops a sixth sense and begins to perceive a series of disturbing messages and clues, which prompt her to enter a dangerous and frightening dimension in order to save a life. In the course of this adventure to a dark parallel universe, Sara must change the world.
A story that exposes a clash between neighbors, and how these neighbors deal with their differences. The movie opens with a scene of a sledge hammer creating a hole on a wall that serves as a divider between the houses of two men. On one side of the screen is pure darkness, while light sheds through the hole on the wall on the other side. This contrast of light and darkness symbolizes the two different worlds of the protagonists. Leonardo(Rafael Spregelburd) is a rich and successful designer with a passion for architecture. On the other hand, Victor (Daniel Aráoz) is a used car salesman who is rough around the edges. The conflict of the movie arises when Leonardo discovers that Victor is building a window on the dividing wall. Leonardo claims that this window is illegal and that it violates his privacy because it is openly facing his living room; however, Victor declares that he just needs a little bit of sunlight, which Leonardo has received plenty of in his glass home. Throughout the movie, the men argue back and forth about the window and the problem seems irresolvable.
The film is set in 2041, in the time when humans live along with machines. Álex (Daniel Brühl), a renowned cybernetic engineer, returns to his hometown of Santa Irene after a ten-year absence on the behest of the Robotic Faculty, led by Julia (Anne Canovas), his old mentor. Julia has commissioned him to finish the SI-9, a robot built to resemble a child -- a project that Álex abandoned prematurely after working on it with Lana (Marta Etura), his old lover, who is now married to David (Alberto Ammann), his brother, both of whom had given up researching to teach.
The craftsmen in the Marrakesh medina speak of the loss of values and the disappearance of the traditional way of life, while tourists stroll by unaware of their reality. Products "made in China" and the ever-increasing presence of plastic products does not allow them to earn enough to live off their crafts.