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Films with theme "Comedy science fiction films", sorted by revenue

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Return to Nuke 'Em High Volume 1, 1h25
Directed by Lloyd Kaufman
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Horror comedy, Horror, Comic science fiction
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about sexuality, Bisexuality-related films, LGBT-related films, Comedy science fiction films, Musical films, Comedy horror films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Stan Lee, Judah Friedlander, Debbie Rochon, Marc Neveldine, Lloyd Kaufman

Welcome to Tromaville High School where, unfortunately, the glee club has mutated into a vicious gang called The Cretins. Chrissy and Lauren, two innocent bloggers, must fight not only the Cretins, mutants and monsters but also the evil Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomerate. Will they save Tromaville High School and the world?
Norman's Awesome Experience, 1h27
Directed by Paul Donovan
Origin Canada
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Comic science fiction
Themes Time travel films, Comedy science fiction films
Actors Tom McCamus, David Hemblen, Jacques Lussier, Brian Downey, Bill Carr

The movie opens in modern day Switzerland where Norman (Tom McCamus) is a nebbish Canadian junior scientist working at a local nuclear power plant which his life takes a whole turn when an attractive Canadian model named Erica (Lori Paton) and her Italian photographer boyfriend Umberto (Jacques Lussier) persuade him to allow them access to the plant for a photo shoot. The next day, the three central characters are literally zapped back in time by a freak accident at the nuclear power plant in which none of them was an active participant. The three of them find themselves in an open field in the distant past at the exact spot where the nuclear power plant from the 20th century was. Their presence was not known to the scientists nearby, and time-travel was not the intent of the experiment at the nuclear facility. Therefore, Norman and his two friends are completely unable to return to their own time and they do not even bother seeking an attempt to get back, nor do they concern themselves with the possibility of changing history.
Ku! Kin-dza-dza, 1h37
Directed by Gueorgui Danielia
Origin Russie
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Animation
Themes Comedy science fiction films
Actors Nikolaï Goubenko, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Igor Kvacha, Gueorgui Danielia

The remake follows the plot of the original with minor changes. While the original story was set in 1980s, the remake is set in 2010s, some of the scenes were altered, and the two new protagonists are different from their 1986 counterparts.
The Mechanical Butcher
Directed by Auguste et Louis Lumière
Origin France
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Comic science fiction
Themes Comedy science fiction films

Un cochon est introduit dans un appareil mécanique et il suffit de tourner une manivelle pour faire sortir de l’autre côté : jambons, saucisses, boudins, etc.
Galactic Gigolo
Genres Science fiction, Comedy
Themes Comedy science fiction films

Eoj est un extraterrestre qui a remporté un jeu télévisé et le grand prix est un voyage sur terre pour coucher avec le plus grand nombre possible de femmes de la Terre. Hildy est une journaliste qui écrit une biographie sur les aventures d'Eoj.
Bride of Re-Animator, 1h36
Directed by Brian Yuzna
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Horror comedy, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Films based on works by H. P. Lovecraft, Comedy science fiction films, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Comedy horror films, Disaster films
Actors Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, Fabiana Udenio, Kathleen Kinmont, David Gale, Mel Stewart

Eight months after the events of Re-Animator, Doctors Herbert West and Dan Cain are working as medics in the middle of a bloody Peruvian civil war. In the chaos of battle and with plenty of casualties to work on, they are free to experiment with West's re-animation reagent. When their medical tent is stormed by the enemy troops, West and Cain return home to Arkham, Massachusetts. There, they resume their former jobs as doctors at Miskatonic University Hospital, and West returns to the basement laboratory of Cain's house to continue his research.
Making Mr. Right, 1h30
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Comedy science fiction films
Actors Dean Cain, Christina Cox, Jocelyne Loewen, Tom Butler, Michael Daingerfield

Les ventes du magazine Manhattan-Line sont en chute libre. Au cours d'une réunion avec la rédaction, le directeur décide d'organiser un événement un peu particulier : il souhaite en effet recruter plusieurs célibataires « endurcis » et les présenter à un panel de femmes qui éliraient celui qui leur semble le plus parfait. Le tout donnerait lieu à une vente aux enchères au bénéfice d'une œuvre de charité. Hallie, une des rédactrices du magazine, est chargée du projet…
Schnitzel (2014)
, 22minutes
Origin Israel
Genres Science fiction, Comedy
Themes Comedy science fiction films, Films about extraterrestrial life

An extraterrestrial visitor from outer space lands in a supermarket and decides to take the form of a schnitzel. Kobi Zucker (Neveh Tzur), a young teenage boy, is challenged by his love interest, Maya Kaplinski (Olga Bardukov), to retrieve something for her from within the supermarket. Craziness ensues when Kobi enters the supermarket and is confronted with "Schnitzel" the alien.
Zapped Again!, 1h36
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Comic science fiction
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Comedy science fiction films
Actors Kelli Williams, Ira Heiden, Linda Larkin, Sue Ane Langdon, Linda Blair, Karen Black

Kevin Matthews, (Todd Eric Andrews), becomes a new pupil at Ralph Waldo Emerson High School. Rejected by the trendy Key Club, he instead joins the Science Club. There he accidentally discovers a number of vials behind a hidden panel in the lab and after drinking the contents develops psychokinetic powers. He amuses himself hitting girls' dresses and humiliating the Key Club jocks, becoming popular in the process. But the Key Club plots a cruel revenge.
Critters 3
Critters 3 (1991)
, 1h26
Directed by Kristine Peterson
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Horror
Themes Comedy science fiction films
Actors Aimee Brooks, Leonardo DiCaprio, Don Keith Opper, Nina Axelrod, William Dennis Hunt, Geoffrey Blake

Sometime after the events in Critters 2, Charlie MacFadden is tracking down the last of the Critters. A family of three - Annie (the main protagonist), Johnny (her little brother) and Clifford (the father) - stops at a rest stop when their car's tire pops. At the rest stop, Charlie warns them and Josh, stepson of a corrupt landlord, about the Crites. As this happens, a Crite lays eggs under the family's car and the family leaves, unknowingly taking the eggs with them. Soon after they arrive at their tenement, the Crites hatch and attack the sleazy maintenance man, Frank. When the landlord arrives, he too is eaten by the Crites after Josh locks him in Clifford's room, unknowingly trapping his stepfather with the creatures. Next, one of the residents is attacked and wounded. Annie, her family and five others (including Josh) try to get to safety in one piece by getting to the roof of the building. Charlie arrives and destroys the remaining Critters, saving the remaining tenants. The film ends in a cliffhanger as Charlie is about to destroy two Crite eggs, but is ordered not to and a containment pod sent from the Intergalactic Council crashes into the basement.
The Guyver
The Guyver (1991)
, 1h28
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Horror, Comic science fiction
Themes Sports films, Comedy science fiction films, Martial arts films
Actors Mark Hamill, Vivian Wu, Jimmie Walker, David Gale, Michael Berryman, Jeffrey Combs

CIA Agent Max Reed witnesses the murder of Dr. Tetsu Segawa, a researcher for the mysterious Chronos Corporation. Dr. Segawa had stolen an alien device known as “the Guyver” from Chronos, but he hid it among a pile of garbage by the Los Angeles River before his death. Lisker, leader of the thugs that murdered Dr. Segawa, returns the metal briefcase to Chronos' president Fulton Balcus, only to discover that it contains an old toaster. At a dojo, Reed notifies Dr. Segawa's daughter Mizki of the incident while her boyfriend Sean Barker struggles to pay attention in class. Sean follows Reed and Mizki to the crime scene; there, he stumbles upon the Guyver unit stored inside a lunch box and stuffs it in his backpack. On his way home, his scooter breaks down in the middle of a back alley before a gang corners him. While Sean is being attacked by the gang, the Guyver suddenly activates and fuses with him. Sean, in his newly armored form, dispatches the gang members, but is shocked by his physical appearance before the armor quickly disappears into two scars on the back of his neck.
Io piaccio
Io piaccio (1955)

Directed by Giorgio Bianchi
Genres Comedy
Themes Comedy science fiction films
Actors Walter Chiari, Aldo Fabrizi, Peppino De Filippo, Dorian Gray, Bianca Maria Fusari, Tina Pica

Professor Maldi, a researcher on the company held by Commendatore Tassinetti (Aldo Fabrizi), experiments on various animals, and especially on the capon Gildo, its preparation which should give courage to the men. Pressed by Tassinetti Maldi decides to experiment on himself the latest version of its compound, without waiting to know the reaction of the capon.