Judy Jetson and her friends idolize rock star Sky Rocker and attend his concert, despite her father's disapproval of rock concerts. Judy had just written a new song and wants to give it to Sky. Meanwhile, evil space queen Felonia Funk is out to destroy music and sends her cronies, Quark and Quasar, to give Commander Comsat a message containing a code that will help Felonia find a rare crystal that will assist in her evil doings. Sky Rocker gets the wrong song and it becomes a huge sensation, leading to Felonia's kidnapping of Sky Rocker and a group of music-loving aliens, the Zoomies, to help Judy. Meanwhile, Elroy and Astro pursue Judy as she is chased by space villains and George goes out to find his daughter.
Captain Dan Tracey and his two lieutenants are ordered to investigate trouble on the resort planet Clitoris, a pleasure world filled with shopping and gambling where, according to the "Articles of the Venus Convention", only women are allowed. A variety of problems are occurring on the planet; most notably, several important pieces of "Girlinium" have been stolen from the Empress Nueva Gabor. "Girlinium", as explained by the Empress, is a very rare gem found only in the caverns of the fourth moon of Girlina, a distant planet. It is used by the Empress to help the planet maintain its delicate orbit surrounding its sun. The stolen pieces must be found or the planet will fall into ruin as evidenced by increasingly violent earthquakes. The captain and his men, in order to remain undercover, become women via sex reversal pills and pose as showgirls from Earth performing a mid-twentieth century lounge act for the Empress' annual off-world slumber party while investigating the crime.
The film begins in 1992 as Charlie McFadden (Don Keith Opper), still in his role as alien bounty hunter, is about to destroy two Crite eggs. He is suddenly stopped by a hologram message from his alien friend Ug (Terrance Mann), who tells him the eggs are the last two Crites in existence and that it is against intergalactic law to cause their extinction. Charlie protests that the Crites are too dangerous to keep alive, but he obeys Ug's orders to place the eggs in a preservation capsule that suddenly falls from the sky. As Charlie puts the eggs in the pod, the hatch closes on him and he is launched into space.
Deux extraterrestres sont envoyés sur Terre pour découvrir comment les humains se reproduisent. La société des extraterrestres a un problème: ils ont oublié comment faire. La femelle, Galaxia, prend la forme d'une magnifique blonde sexy, tandis que le mâle, Zorkon, devient un... neu-neu. En regardant par les fenêtres, ils observent des couples d'amoureux. Rapidement, Zorkon veut reproduire la chose avec sa partenaire, mais Galaxia veut en savoir plus.
Une race d'extraterrestres qui a évolué au point qu'elle n'a aucune expérience physique dans leurs souvenirs collectifs, envoient Kara (Venesa Talor) sur Terre, afin qu'elle puisse expérimenter autant de sensations physiques que possible.
Les vacances terminées, Victor et sa petite amie Jeanne rentrent à Paris. Sur le chemin, ils s'arrêtent pour rendre visite à leur ami Jean-Paul, qui habite dans une communauté de baba-cools occupant une ZAD et qui milite contre la construction d'un parc aquatique. Séduits par leur façon de vivre et leur façon de résister contre la technologie et la société industrielle modernes, ils décident de rester quelques jours avec eux. Un matin, ils découvrent que les CRS, qui encadraient la communauté, ont disparu, comme la population extérieure, décimée par une pandémie, faisant d'eux les derniers survivants sur Terre.
The film begins by following a tour group at a memorial museum dedicated to Nancy Archer. The patrons are shown a film with Dr. Loeb, who explains that the events surrounding Nancy Archer were true. Nancy was an heiress to her mother's fortune. Her father, Hamilton Cobb, hopes to use the money to gain control over the town they live in. Nancy sees her psychiatrist, Dr. Cushing, about her low self-esteem and bad marriage to Harry. Her husband frequently spends time with a beautiful mistress, Honey Parker, the town beautician. Despite her attempts to confront Harry, Nancy cannot express her anger in a healthy manner, allowing both her husband and father to take advantage of her.