A volcano beneath New York City seems unlikely, yet nothing else can explain the bizarre tremors and terrifying explosions wreaking havoc on the city. Tunnel digger Matt MacLachlan (Costas Mandylor), head of the team of "Sandhogs", has witnessed lava seeping into the city's aqueduct system and knows the unimaginable truth. A group of tramps trying to keep warm in Central Park near a heat vent all die from carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide poisoning. A boat in the harbour is caught in a venting and explodes. The FBI Terror Task Force begins to look for the imagined terrorists who killed the tramps and blew up the boat.
Anna (Felicitas Woll), daughter of a wealthy hospital director, works as a nurse along with her father and her future husband, Doctor Alexander (Benjamin Sadler). Whilst behind enemy lines, British pilot Robert Newman (John Light) is severely wounded and hides in the hospital's cellar. Anna finds him and cures his wounds, slowly falling in love with him.
Une importante plateforme pétrolière est en activité dans la mer du Nord. Or, un groupe de scientifiques découvre que l'exploitation de cette zone pourrait créer un raz-de-marée et met donc en garde la compagnie. Le manque de considération de la part de cette dernière provoque un tsunami qui menace la vie de milliers de citoyens.
À Seattle, un groupe d'avocats attend une télé-connexion avec l'Australie pour une conférence en duplex. Bientôt, le signal est établi. Soudainement, les hommes de loi sont pris de foudroyants malaises. La mort est quasi instantanée. Nick Baldwin, un scientifique, intervient quelque temps plus tard auprès de policiers afin de les aider à maîtriser un forcené. Le dénommé Tarrance, devenu fou, raconte à Baldwin l'agonie des malheureux. Une fois arrivé à la morgue pour examiner les corps, Baldwin en arrive à la conclusion qu'un virus pourrait être la cause du décès. L'épidémie menace.
Une comète doit très prochainement passer près de la Terre. Les calculs savants des scientifiques indiquent que l'astéroïde ne devrait pas entrer en collision avec la planète bleue. Elle ne fera que la frôler, causant quelques interférences magnétiques. Mais un astrophysicien, le Dr James Mayfield, chargé d'étudier ces perturbations, en vient à penser que la comète pourrait tout de même s'écraser sur la Terre. C'est alors qu'un fragment se détache et tombe sur l'Alaska...
Le Dr Lehman, un astronome, et son assistante, Imogene O'Neill, découvrent que l'astéroïde 114 Kassandra est entré en collision avec une comète et que l'astéroïde se dirige vers la Terre. S'il entre en collision avec la Terre, ce sera la fin du monde. Dans le même temps, les débris de l'astéroïde frappent les grandes villes du monde. Au milieu du chaos, le détective Jack Crowe recherche son ex-partenaire psychopathe, Stark, qui cherche à se venger en tuant Jack, le père de Jack et sa fille.
Three years ago, a team of astronaut miners completed a daring space expedition. They embarked on their journey home, but by the time the craft returned to Earth, their commander had gone mad—taking a terrible secret with him to a heavily guarded state asylum for the insane. Today, archeologist Lloyd Walker and entomologist Marianne Winters are among a select group of people who are questioning a possible link between the tragic space mission, the mystery of the commander’s madness, and a series of bizarre disappearances and strange accidents in San Francisco. The answer arrives when they stumble upon an underground colony of insect-like creatures harvesting human bodies for survival.
A solar flare from the sun sends a serpentine alien of fire to Earth, where it begins to wreak havoc among a small community in its search for more fuel, in the form of a large military oil reserve. An old man holds the key to destroy it: the Halogen Gun which is used as fire extinguisher. With another young man and an assisting woman, they all stand up to battle the creature. Yet, they face challenges, including a government employer, who voluntarily helps the snake since he believes the snake was a God form.
During a battle with Dr. Animo, Ben Kirby Tennyson's destruction of the scientist's "DNA bomb" accidentally sets off a self-destruct protocol in the Omnitrix. Its activation alerts Tetrax (known as Hoverboard in "Hunted"), who travels with his alien blob-like pilot Gluto to Earth in order to retrieve Ben. He explains the situation to Ben, who hasn't figured out the meaning of the countdown. He leaves Gwen and Grandpa Max behind, not wanting the latter to be recognized during their trip. Gwen sneaks on board anyway. Using the advanced medical equipment on board his ship, Tetrax finds the DNA signature of the Omnitrix's creator, Azmuth, and tracks him to a prison facility called Incarcecon. During the journey, Tetrax hopes Ben would stop being a hero when the Omnitrix stop the countdown and Azmuth would shut it up for good. Ben is upset that he'll never be a hero again. After staging a breakout, they free a female Chimera Sui Generis (Vilgax's species) named Myaxx, who is Azmuth's assistant; she had switched her DNA signature for Azmuth's when he refused to give her credit for helping to create the Omnitrix. Myaxx is also unable to disarm the self-destruct, which will not only kill Ben, but most of the universe's inhabitants, including Earth itself, but Myaxx knows how to find Azmuth, and leads them to the planet he's hiding out on: Xenon.
The US east coast is suddenly struck by a type of a massive destructive force of nature usually only happening after a major earthquake in the Pacific and Indian ocean rims: tidal waves of the destructive tsunami type. Scientist and fiction author John McAdams is forced to attend a type of Department of Homeland Security conference which concludes the phenomenon must be man-made, quite possibly abusing the findings of John's secret former Sea Lion project, but leaves questions of who wants to and has the means unanswered. Indeed John and his colleague Sophie, a Québécois, soon find John set up for a murder of a potential whistleblower and are pursued by The FBI,Maine State Police and a pair of foreign ruthless assassins. Major destruction means major contracts for construction and coastal defenses, so building tycoons like Victor Bannister certainly have a considerable interest. The movie is two part mini-series originally aired in The UK . Sophie(Karine Vanasse), a very successful Québécois Canadien actress and singer but generally unknown to viewers outside of Canada and France, was recently cast as a lead in the American ABC TV series "Pan Am.
Un archéologue atteint d'un cancer incurable est décidé à utiliser une relique ancienne du dieu phénicien Baal. Mais il va provoquer un cataclysme mondial et provoquer une tempête dévastant tout sur son passage sur la planète. Deux autres chercheurs vont tenter d'arrêter le scientifique et éviter le pire.
A l'occasion d'un voyage de retour vers New York, l'ancien pilote Mike Hogan, limogé pour d'obscures raisons, prend la place de co-pilote sur le vol 534 à la suite d'un désistement de dernière minute. Mais un incident de dépressurisation va l'amener à remplacer le capitaine blessé. Alors que l'avion doit affronter une tempête, le seul moyen de sauver les passagers est de reconfigurer le plan de vol pour atterrir en catastrophe en Islande.
À l'aube de la fin du monde, deux fans de science-fiction qui n'ont connu qu'une succession d'échecs dans leur vie compilent leurs connaissances en matière de films catastrophes pour tenter de sauver l'humanité.
On a beach in Australia, two American surfers say goodbye to each other as one is about to leave for his flight back to California. The two men don't notice the large number of dead birds on the beach. On the flight, the surfer returning home starts coughing up blood and dies before the plane can land. Back in Australia, the other surfer is found dead in his apartment. Kayla Martin (Tiffani Thiessen) is a medical doctor with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who has been assigned to the case. She and the local officials carry the body of the surfer out of the plane and start processing people to be put in quarantine until they can be evaluated for exposure. During the transfer, one of the passengers escapes to complete a business deal and unknowingly spreads the virus throughout Los Angeles. It is also revealed that outbreaks of the so-called "riptide virus" (as it comes to be known), an offshoot of the bird flu, are occurring in other cities around the world.