The film opens as a team of scientists in the year 2020 wander through a post-apocalyptic wasteland, with the team leader calling for help on a radio, until they come upon the ruins of a city.
Lieutenant Brian Murphy (Freeman), a United States Air Force engineer, is the sole survivor of the final evacuative plane out of Africa, which crashes somewhere off the coast of West Africa. The previous night, a zombie horde attacked many villages throughout that area. Brian gathers supplies from the plane crash and travels by foot until he finds and fixes a broken-down truck in a village he reaches. While driving, the truck gets stuck in a pothole as zombies close in. Daniel Dembele (Osei), a local African soldier gone AWOL in search of his son, rescues Brian from certain death. Daniel's wife had been killed in a zombie attack the previous night and a local military unit, heading north to a military base, had rescued his son. Daniel agrees to lead Brian to the nearest airport, a day's drive away, in exchange for his truck upon arrival for Daniel to use to find his son. At the airport, Brian attempts radioing for help using the air traffic tower's radio, but he receives no response. Daniel gathers fuel for the truck and the two agree it would be best to stick together and attempt travel to the military base, with Daniel hoping his son is there and Brian hoping they have a plane he can repair to fly back to the United States.
One year after the events of the second film at Black Lake, in Aroostook County, Maine, young couple April and Jason go skinny dipping and are attacked and eaten by a group of baby crocodiles. Meanwhile, at the house of the deceased Sadie Bickerman, her nephew Nathan, his wife Susan and their son Connor are cleaning out the house so they can sell it. However, Sheriff Tony Willinger soon arrives and convinces Nathan and Susan not to sell. Connor chases an escaped pet lizard down to the lake where he encounters the baby crocodiles, and begins to secretly feed them.
In post-apocalyptic Columbia, a group of survivors led by Uri and the elders are organized as a tribe, in a primitive society without technology and lives in a small village in the Grey Rock National Park surrounded by beasts that transmit a disease that transforms the victims into mutants. Uri's son Savan is the best hunter of their tribe and successor of his father, while Kaleb is the best tracker. Kaleb and his sister Miru (Eleanor Tomlinson) are the only literate survivors. Their father Jaret believed other survivors might exist outside the park and encourages them to investigate this. Kaleb, a dreamer, is secretly in love with Savan's woman, Dorel. When the beasts attack Uri's hamlet, a group runs to a cave and blocks the entrance with logs. Kaleb saves Dorel from a beast, at which point they become romantically involved while Savan looks on.
29 août 2005 : Victoria perd ses parents dans la tempête Katrina. Neuf ans plus tard, elle étudie les phénomènes météorologiques et le journalisme dans le but d'aider les populations face à ces catastrophes. Lorsqu'elle détecte avant tout le monde le potentiel destructeur de la tempête Caroline, elle décide de se rendre sur la côté du Mississippi pour jouer les reporters spéciaux mais aussi convaincre son grand-père de quitter sa maison...
Le 22 décembre 2008, à 21h34, une panne de courant plonge 250 millions d'Européens dans le noir. Le quart nord-est de la France est touché. Les trains sont immobilisés en rase campagne, le trafic aérien est détourné, les stations d'épuration cessent de fonctionner. Très vite, l'eau potable devient une denrée rare et les magasins sont pris d'assaut. Manuel, le chef du département d'urologie d'un CHU, hésite à abandonner son service au pire moment pour aller retrouver ses deux enfants. Yann, un détenu, profite du chaos général pour s'échapper du fourgon cellulaire qui le transportait. Il rencontre les deux enfants de Béatrice, première adjointe au maire…
During routine administration at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Dr. Rhodes discovers that a comet has suddenly veered off its orbit and smashed into Mars. The explosion causes debris to travel towards Earth with the possibility of causing an extinction level event. At Ben Marshall's house, Ben refuses to give his son, Leo, a ride as he complained his own car smelled of mildew. However, Ben drives Leo to school and discovers Leo is in love with a fellow student, Lindsey. Leo is chatting with Lindsey when her ex-boyfriend, Sean, gives them threatening looks.
Events from the Doomsday Prophecy novel by Rupert Crane begin happening in real life. Eric and Brooke, following instructions left by Crane, work to trigger an anti-doomsday machine and prevent massive destruction.
During the demonstration of a device which allows the observation of alternate dimensions, an accident causes the building in which the demonstration is taking place - and its occupants - to be transported to a dimension seemingly devoid of animal life but for large, vicious carnivores which hunt and kill the displaced humans one by one. A creature with six eyes attacks the people. The senator is attacked and ripped in half, and Lex has a heart attack. While researching an alien creature, Josh Burke accidentally sprays Al with an acidic toxin, and the first creature kills the private. While out getting water, two groups of three include Sam, Josh, and Dr. Karen Frost in one group, and Rivers, Dr. Jillian O'Hara and Murphy in the other, try to get out. Josh steals an egg, drops it on the rock, and is instantly sliced in half by "Momma." Rivers blows himself up to save Sam, and Brian Murphy is attacked and killed by "Momma". Only Colonel Synn, Dr. Frost, and Dr. O'Hara are left. Dr. Frost goes off by herself in an attempt to find intelligent life because of a structure she saw in the distance, only to discover too late that it was part of a building that got beamed with them and she is attacked and eaten by "Momma" off-screen. At the same time Colonel Synn and Dr. O'Hara manage to repair the device and return home, but discover that upon their return, off-screen damage from the machine has apparently caused chaos in their world, presumably bringing through one of the monsters.
A series of freak weather occurrences around Washington, D.C. reunites two estranged brothers who are the sons of a once prestigious climate scientist. One of them suspects their father is behind it and upon further investigation, they discover that all of their father's enemies are dead - victims of freak weather accidents. Soon their suspicions are confirmed as their father hijacks radio and TV transmissions to relay the message that unless a certain Senator who canceled his United States Department of Defense contracts is handed over, the city of Washington D.C will suffer the consequences. As the brothers race to form a plan that can defeat their father, he lets loose a variety of diabolical weather weapons on the Smithsonian, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, and National Mall.
Partant rendre visite à sa grand-mère, Lucy accompagnée de son petit-ami sort du métro à Bushwick . Ce quartier de Brooklyn, plongé dans un véritable bain de sang, est le théâtre d'affrontements séparatistes entre les habitants et les milices texanes voulant envahir New York, pour en faire leur base d’opérations sur la Côte Est. Dans cette pagaille, Lucy parvient à se réfugier dans le sous-sol d'un dénommé Stupe. Ce robuste vétéran de guerre va l'aider, bien que réticent, à traverser les quelques blocs de Bushwick pour retrouver sa grand-mère.
EPA Agent Reba, with Dennis and Sheriff Theresa Giove, venture Black Lake and neutralize an infant crocodile with a tranquizer. They meet Ryan Loffin on land and drive towards a ten-thousand volt fence operated by Ryan’s son, Max. Theresa assigns her daughter, Chloe to join the Marshfield High School Swim Team since she has a strict schedule to dwell with the crocodiles. A town hall meeting turns into a protest, speculating that the tour for the Swim Team could be too dangerous because of the crocodiles. A hunting team led by Jim Bickerman attempts to kill the crocodiles until one man is chased away and electrocuted to death by the electric fence.
Emma and Dean are two high school students on a class trip to Trinidad to build a school for children and explore the island. The two have little in common. During a boat party, Emma falls overboard when the party is interrupted by a police raid, Dean jumps in the water to save her. The pair drifts in a dinghy to a deserted island, and their parents desperately search for them. Wondering if they will ever be rescued, Emma and Dean must rely on each other to survive. At first they're friends, but as time goes on their feelings start to blossom and it evolves into a romantic relationship. After being stuck for over 100 days, they are rescued by a tourist helicopter and taken back. They are met by family, friends, and the media. After Emma is thrust back into a more popular position in school, Dean still somewhat of an outcast, still longs for her. Emma attends the prom, and Dean eventually decides to go as well after being persuaded by his father. Emma and Dean kiss passionately there and dance.
À la suite du terrible tremblement de terre de 1988 en Arménie, un père de famille russe et un jeune arménien décident de porter secours aux survivants et de retrouver leurs proches.
A water-borne virus has led to a widespread outbreak of zombies in San Francisco. A group of survivors, including Dr. Lynn Snyder (Mariel Hemingway) and others, create a refuge on Alcatraz Island. Snyder receives communications from Dr. Arnold (French Stewart), a scientist conducting experiments to create a cure for the virus. Meanwhile, Dr. Dan Halpern (LeVar Burton), another of the refugees, is studying parts culled from the bodies of the zombies, but he is unable to make much headway because he only has access to 'dead' zombies. His research is further hindered when Caspian (Danny Trejo) and other refugees burn the zombie corpses being stored on the island.