Au début des années 1950, au nord du Maroc (alors sous protectorat espagnol), Henry Saint James est amené devant un peloton d'exécution. Alors que les soldats se préparent à tirer, se déroule un long flashback.
Upon receiving a message from death row inmate "Dapper Dan" Malloy (Michael Ames), "Scoop" Conner (George Meeker), top investigative reporter for the Morning News, visits him in prison and learns that before he is to die in the electric chair the following day, Malloy intends to incriminate some top officials complicit in corruption and the murder of the district attorney for which Malloy and his criminal associate "Mile-Away" Gordon (Roland Drew) were sentenced. Trying to prevent the exposure, Malloy's lawyer Bill Burgen (Douglas Wood), himself a member of the corrupt clique, falsely comforts Malloy with the claim that the governor will pardon him after first commuting the sentence to life imprisonment during a radio speech.
Evangelina Campos de Guzman est inculpée pour le meurtre d'Alberto Suarez. En prison, elle cohabite avec Dora qui n'est autre que la maîtresse d'Alberto. La surveillante-chef de cette prison pour femmes prend un malin plaisir à faire souffrir Dora, enceinte. Evangelina fera, alors, tout pour les sauver.
When her mother is murdered by a killer, an amnesiac woman is sent to a mental institution presided over by a power-crazed female doctor who performs lobotomies on the patients.
Kent reconnu coupable d'homicide involontaire commis sous l'alcool et qui clame son innocence est dans une prison surpeuplée où l'on ne traite pas correctement les détenus. Il y rencontre de vieux briscards comme Morgan et l'intraitable Butch, son compagnon de cellule. Mais le système est punitif, il divise et amène au pire : il y a une tentative planifiée de longue date pour briser les prisonniers qui ne peut se produire sans qu'il y ait de victimes.
The film's story revolves around a young adolescent Bobby (Gary McCleery) who decides to accompany his brother along for a drive in his vehicle. While on this venture, associates of his sibling steal from a shop and kill an employee who was working at the business. The suspects are apprehended, and the protagonist is found guilty of the crime and jailed for his actions. The local sheriff (John Seitz) empathizes with the boy's situation. A woman counselor Laura (Margaret Klenck) is given the young man's file and she is under the impression that he did not commit the crime. This counselor finds herself having feelings for the young man. She decides to attempt to assist him in convincing the legal system that he is not guilty. Her other option if this fails is to illegally ferret him out of the prison of her own accord. Laura requests a favor from her friend involved in substance abuse (John Sayles), and this friend provides her with a weapon. Laura, now armed, goes into the police department and gets Bobby out of prison. Laura's acquaintance involved with the substance abuse manages to successfully transport Bobby and Laura to Florida, where they may continue expressing their affectionate feelings towards one another while attempting to avoid the reach of law enforcement.