In 1965, a series of mysterious and devastating incidents are happening on Earth. These incidents range from a railroad bridge levitated off the ground causing a train wreck in Japan; an ocean liner lifted out of the Panama Canal by a waterspout, destroying it; severe flooding in Venice, Italy; and the destruction of the J-SS3 space station.
Le film s'inspire de l'histoire de Pinocchio de Carlo Collodi.
À la suite de son mauvais comportement, Pinocchio est redevenu une marionnette. Il souhaite de nouveau devenir un petit garçon. Afin de se racheter, il part dans l'espace combattre la baleine volante Astro qui menace la Terre.
Phineas T. Barnum (Burl Ives) and friends finance the first flight to the moon but find the task a little above them. They attempt to blast their rocket into orbit from a massive gun barrel built into the side of a Welsh mountain, but money troubles, spies and saboteurs ensure that the plan is doomed before it starts...
The spaceship AAB Gamma is dispatched from Japan to travel to Mars to investigate reports of UFOs in the area. When the Gamma nears the red planet, it comes across a mysterious alien vessel that sprays the ship with spores. Samples are taken back to earth where one of them begins to develop.
At a meeting of the Astronomic Club, its president, Professor Barbenfouillis, proposes a trip to the Moon. After addressing some dissent, five other brave astronomers—Nostradamus, Alcofrisbas, Omega, Micromegas, and Parafaragaramus—agree to the plan. They build a space capsule in the shape of a bullet, and a huge cannon to shoot it into space. The astronomers embark and their capsule is fired from the cannon with the help of "marines", most of whom are played by a bevy of young women in sailors' outfits. The Man in the Moon watches the capsule as it approaches, and it hits him in the eye.
In the British city of "Everytown", businessman John Cabal (Raymond Massey) cannot enjoy Christmas Day, 1940, with the news everywhere of possible war. His guest, Harding (Maurice Braddell), shares his worries, while his other friend, the over-optimistic Pippa Passworthy (Edward Chapman), believes it will not come to pass, but if it does, it will accelerate technological progress. An aerial bombing raid on the city that night results in general mobilisation and then global war.
Au XXI siècle, le vaisseau spatial Ikarios, dont l'équipage est cosmopolite et multiculturel, mesure le vide intergalactique. Les ordinateurs interceptent soudain un étrange signal extraterrestre : c'est une pluie d'astéroïdes s'abattant sur l'Ikarios, ce qui prive ce dernier de toute communication avec la Terre.
In the mid 22nd century, mankind has reached a point in technological advancement that enables colonization of the far reaches of the universe. Armed with artificially intelligent "Thermostellar Triggering Devices", the scout ship "Dark Star" and its crew have been alone in space for twenty years on a mission to destroy "unstable planets" which might threaten future colonization of other planets.
Mayu (Stellie dans la version française d'Albator 78) est en vacances. Elle joue de l'ocarina sur un barrage. À la surprise de l'équipage, le vaisseau Arcadia (Atlantis dans la version française d'Albator 78) se met à se mouvoir de lui-même au son de la mélodie jouée par Mayu (Stellie). Harlock (Albator) tente de reprendre le contrôle des commandes mais la barre refuse d'obéir à sa manœuvre. Harlock (Albator) finit par comprendre et laisse finalement l'âme de feu son meilleur ami, constructeur de l'Arcadia (Atlantis), diriger le vaisseau vers la Terre, à la rencontre de la fillette...
In the year 1946, the Soviet space program is undergoing turmoil. Professor Sedikh, who is planning to lead the first manned exploration to the moon, is denounced by his rival Professor Karin as being too old and too mentally unstable for the mission. Professor Sedikh, aided by his assistant Marina and a youth named Andryusha, disregard Prof. Karin’s authority and make a successful landing on the moon. Although a few problems occur at the moon, including the discovery of a damaged oxygen tank and Professor Sedikh’s becoming trapped under a fallen boulder, the expedition is a success and the cosmonauts return to Moscow.
Set in a future 1970, the United States is considering building bases on the Moon. Colonel Briteis (Donna Martell), Major Bill Moore (Ross Ford), and Doctor Wernher (Larry Johns) are sent to orbit the Moon to survey landing sites for future lunar missions. However, Dr. Wernher is an impostor whose mission is to destroy the US's Earth-orbiting space station, which he plans to do by colliding the rocket with the station on the way back from the Moon.
Dr. Tom Anderson (Lee Van Cleef), an embittered scientist, has made contact with Zontar, a Venusian creature, while using his radio transmitter. The alien's secret motivation is to take complete control of the Earth by enslaving humanity using mind control devices; the alien claims it only wants to bring peace to our troubled world by eliminating all emotions. Anderson agrees to help the creature and even intends to allow it to assimilate his wife (Beverly Garland) and friend Dr. Nelson (Peter Graves).
The year is 1980, and the film opens with the launch of the JX-1 Hayabusa spaceship into outer space. The ship, originally sent to collect data on Saturn, has its course diverted to investigate the mysterious star Gorath, reported as being 6000 times the size of the Earth. It is feared that the star's path could come dangerously close to Earth. The JX-1 reaches locates Gorath and it's much smaller than earth but with 6000 times the gravity. The JX-1 radio's back any data about the star but gets sucked into the star's gravitational field which drags the ship into Gorath, incinerating it.
Astronaut Capt. Richmond Talbot inadvertently volunteers to make the first manned flight around the moon. He is ordered to keep the upcoming moon flight a secret, even from his family. Due to the classified nature of the mission, he is placed under the watchful eye of several national security agencies.