Badlapur Boys is a 2014 Hindi drama film directed by Shailesh Verma and produced by Karrm Movies. It stars Nishan, Saranya Mohan, Annu Kapoor and Puja Gupta in lead roles. The film is about a team of Kabaddi players. Badlapur Boys deals with a plot of social family romantic drama with sports as a backdrop. It is a remake of the Tamil hit film Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu. Bollywood editor A Muthu who has edited more than 50 films like Sadak, Deewana, Balwan, Raja Babu, Judwa, Ziddi, Haseena Maan Jayegi took the remake rights of film 'Veenila Kabadi' and turned producer with this film.Synopsis
The story centres on Vijay, a child whose village is deprived of water for irrigation for decades. Vijay's father threatens the bureaucracy with self-immolation if the village's basic need for water is not fulfilled. To set an example to the society, the father sets himself ablaze before the villagers and the media but as fate would have it, his sacrifice is forgotten and instead his family is affected. Vijay grows up with the dream that one day, he will come face to face with the bureaucracy with a simple request; that his village 'Badlapur' receives government's attention to solve their water crisis.