Rang Birangi is a 1983 Hindi film, based on a story by noted Hindi writer, Kamleshwar, and directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee. This comedy classic is most remembered for the Utpal Dutt's role of Police Inspector Dhurindhar Bhatawrekar, which won him the Filmfare Best Comedian Award for the year.Synopsis
Ajay Sharma is a very successful entrepreneur who has now transformed into a workaholic and is seen ignoring his wife of seven years, Nirmala. Enter Ravi Kapoor, a friend of Ajay notices Nirmala's loneliness and decides to fix things by rekindling the spark in their life. Thus starts a hilarious comedy involving Ajay's secretary, Anita and her boyfriend, Jeet and a re-enactment of Pati, Patni aur Woh.