Release in DVD in france 3 july 2013
Tatanka is a 2011 Italian drama film written, directed and starred by Giuseppe Gagliardi. It is based on the short story by Roberto Saviano Tatanka scatenato.
The film marked the acting debut of the boxer Clemente Russo; after his participation in the film Russo, who is a member of the Gruppo Sportivo Fiamme Oro, was suspended for a period of six months from the Polizia di Stato. According to some sources, Russo was punished because of some explicit scenes that could have damaged the image of the police, but these circumstances were denied by the State Police which claimed that the suspension derived from the lack of authorizations and permissions to participate in the film.
The film was nominated to three Nastro d'Argento Awards, for Best Supporting Actor (Giorgio Colangeli), Best Cinematography and Best Sound.Synopsis
Adolescent, entraîné par un camarade, il entre au service de la Camorra. Un jour, pour échapper à la police, il se réfugie dans une salle d'entraînement, l'Excelsior. C'est la planche de salut pour Michele qui découvre un nouvel univers, la boxe, sous l'autorité du vieux coach Sabatino. Lors de chaque combat, de chaque round, c'est sa propre survie que le jeune homme remet en jeu. Toute nouvelle victoire l'éloigne, pas à pas, des ennuis et l'amène à grandir, à trouver une certaine stabilité.