The District! (Hungarian: Nyócker!) is a 2004 Hungarian caricaturistic animated film directed by Áron Gauder. Its original title is a shortened colloquial form of nyolcadik kerület, the eighth district of Budapest, also known as Józsefváros, including an infamous neighbourhood where the film takes place. It is sometimes labelled as the Hungarian South Park.
It has been distributed in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, United Kingdom, France, the Benelux countries, Romania, Poland, Portugal and Taiwan, and it is going to be shown in the United States.
It was also shown at film festivals in Helsinki, Toronto, Copenhagen, Zagreb, Karlovy Vary and the below venues and it will be shown in Warsaw, Vancouver and São Paulo.
The animated technique for this movie was rather innovative. The artists took 350 headshot pictures of each actor and used these photos for the expressing emotions and the animation of the heads. The bodies were hand drawn.Synopsis
The film displays the Hungarian, Roma, Chinese and Arab dwellers and their alliances and conflicts in a humorous way, embedded into a fictive story of a few schoolchildren's oil-making time-travel and a Romeo and Juliet-type love of a Roma guy towards a white girl.