Magos y Gigantes (simply known as Wizards and Giants in English) is a 2003 Mexican animated fantasy-comedy film produced by Ánima Estudios and 20th Century Fox and released on November 19, 2003. This is the first feature film from Ánima Estudios and the first theatrically released animated film created with Adobe Flash, a program often used for internet cartoons. It was also the first Mexican animated feature in 30 years.
An animated series loosely based on this film, Teenage Fairytale Dropouts, premiered on Seven Network in Australia on December 31, 2012.
^ Magos y Gigantes box office
^ "México se anima con Magos y Gigantes". 17 November 2003. Retrieved 10 November 2013.
^ Zahed, Ramin (28 September 2011). "‘Teenage Fairytale Dropouts’ Gets Happy Ending | Animation Magazine". Animation Magazine. Retrieved 30 October 2013.Synopsis
Magos y Gigantes tells the story of Gigante, a vertically challenged giant, Ada, a fairy whose wings have yet to blossom, and Trafalgar, a curious-looking little wizard, and their adventures while attending the biggest magic tournament in the land of Reino Magico. Mayhem ensues when Titan Caradura, an evil wizard, is disqualified from the tournament and seeks revenge by hatching up an elaborate plan to steal the magic powers from all the inhabitants of Reino Magico.