The film revolves around the lives of a cinema school student named Murphy, and his former girlfriend Electra, whom he dated for two years, before sleeping with another woman, Omi, who happened to get pregnant as a result of Murphy's infidelity. This unwanted pregnancy ended the relationship between Murphy and Electra on a very sad note. One rainy morning, Electra's mother, Nora, calls Murphy to ask him if he's heard from the young woman, because she hasn't for quite a while now, and given her daughter's suicidal tendencies, she is really worried. For the rest of this day, Murphy recalls his past with Electra, filled with drug abuse, rough sex, and tender moments.
In 1998, Erik (Thure Lindhardt), a Danish artist living in New York, meets Paul (Zachary Booth), a lawyer, through a phone sex hotline. Clearly attracted to each other, they share an intimate moment and have sex. Erik later visits a man named Russ (Sebastian La Cause) who seems more interested in showing off his muscles to Erik than having sex. Erik sees Paul again, and tells him about how he broke up with his ex-boyfriend Paolo, who was HIV-positive. Erik confides to his friend Claire (Julianne Nicholson) on how he is happier now with Paul than he was with Paolo. Meanwhile, Paul asks Erik to keep quiet about his drug use and gets Erik high. Paul, who was closeted before meeting Erik, sees his ex-girlfriend while visiting an art gallery with Erik, who tries to persuade Paul to introduce him to her. While away from the city, Erik calls his doctor for some test results and learns that he is HIV-negative. Later, Paul throws a surprise birthday party for Erik.
Luis, âgé d'environ 45 ans, est professeur dans une université mixte d'Espagne dans les années 1970. Lors de son dernier cours avant les vacances, il remarque deux étudiants, Julia et Miguel, occupés à regarder une carte routière. Après la fin du cours, alors qu'il rentre chez lui en voiture, Luis aperçoit les deux mêmes étudiants occupés à faire de l'auto-stop. Il s'arrête et les prend dans sa voiture, puis leur propose de dormir chez lui la nuit avant de reprendre leur route le lendemain. Célibataire, Luis vit dans une vaste demeure aux allures de manoir jouxtée d'un grand jardin : il est le dernier héritier d'une riche famille et donne des cours purement pour se distraire. Luis fait les honneurs de sa demeure à Julia et Miguel, notamment sa collection d'armes à feu et ses disques de Wagner. Luis leur présente Jaime, un homme d'une trentaine d'années, qui vit chez lui. Luis entretient visiblement une relation particulière avec Jaime, qui semble se comporter avec lui comme un serviteur avec son maître, sans se définir comme tel, et sans être non plus son ami. Après un repas succulent, Luis conduit les deux jeunes gens à une chambre à la décoration chargée où ils dormiront dans le même lit pour la première fois. Julia et Miguel font l'amour tandis que Luis et Jaime passent la soirée de leur côté.
Un été à New York. Une jeune étudiante tombe amoureuse d'un garçon qu'elle vient de rencontrer. Après une fête qui tourne mal, elle est prête à tout pour le récupérer.
Dark Smith (James Duval) is an alienated, 18-year-old young man struggling with daily life, fluctuating romantic status with his bisexual, polyamorous girlfriend Mel (Rachel True) and conflicting feelings for a shy gay classmate, Montgomery (Nathan Bexton). The day starts off normally enough with Dark meeting up with his friends which include the intelligent Dingbat (Christina Applegate), Montgomery, Mel and her purple-haired, acid-tongued lesbian lover Lucifer (Kathleen Robertson) for breakfast at their local coffeehouse hangout, The Hole. Various mentions of a party at Jujyfruit's (Gibby Haynes) along with plans for a drug-fueled game of kick-the-can are made and the story segues into portions of the goings-on of the lives of other characters.
This film focuses on Claude (Alison Folland), a teenage girl who lives in Hell's Kitchen, New York City, and is the story of her sexual discovery and budding lesbianism. Claude's best friend is Ellen (Tara Subkoff). Her plan to start a band with Ellen is subverted when Ellen begins dating Mark (Cole Hauser).
Une nuit d’avril 1957. Albertine, 19 ans, saute du mur de la prison où elle purge une peine pour braquage. Dans sa chute, elle se brise l’os du pied : l’astragale. Elle est secourue par Julien, repris de justice, qui l’emmène et la cache chez une amie à Paris. Pendant qu’il mène sa vie de malfrat en province, elle réapprend à marcher dans la capitale. Julien est arrêté et emprisonné. Seule et recherchée par la police, elle se prostitue pour survivre et, de planque en planque, de rencontre en rencontre, lutte au prix de toutes les audaces pour sa fragile liberté et pour supporter la douloureuse absence de Julien…
Nolan Mack (Williams) has worked at the same bank for almost 26 years in a life of monotony. He and his wife Joy (Baker) have embraced their marriage as a convenient distraction from facing reality. However one day, what starts as an aimless drive down an unfamiliar street turns into a life-altering decision for Nolan. When he meets a troubled young man named Leo (Aguire) on his drive home, Nolan finds himself breaking from the confines of his old life and coming to terms with who he really is.
Timothy (Tanner Cohen) is an openly gay student at a private boy's school. Although now in his senior year, he is still persecuted by the aggressive rugby team, on whose captain, Jonathon (Nathaniel David Becker), he has a crush. Timothy lives with his mother, Donna (Judy McLane), who is struggling with her son's sexuality and with getting a job, and his father who is not a part of his life.
Bryan meets a man called Bill in a bar. They go back to Bryan's home and have unprotected sex. Later, they wake up and talk. Bryan discovers that Bill's real name is Brian, and that he is bisexual. They spend hours talking, covering topics including AIDS, sexuality, feminism, role-play and Emily Dickinson.
The story revolves around two Parisian girls, Nathalie (Revel), a stripper at a bar, and Sandrine (Seyvecou), a bartender, who conspire to climb the social ladder of Paris when they start living together.
Four coeds are about to graduate from a secret paramilitary academy known as D.E.B.S. (Discipline, Energy, Beauty, and Strength). The team consists of Max Brewer (Meagan Good), who tends to draw her gun at the slightest provocation, Janet (Jill Ritchie), who wishes for nothing but to earn her stripes as a true D.E.B., the chain-smoking and promiscuous Dominique (Devon Aoki), and Amy Bradshaw (Sara Foster), who is doubtful about being a spy, despite being an honor student at the academy. Amy has broken up with her boyfriend Bobby Matthews (Geoff Stults), a Homeland Security agent. Her personal life takes a back seat to the re-emergence of Lucy Diamond (Jordana Brewster), a criminal mastermind who, by coincidence, is the subject of Amy's thesis. The D.E.B.S. are sent by the heads of D.E.B.S., Mrs. Petrie (Holland Taylor) and Mr. Phipps (Michael Clarke Duncan), to survey Lucy, expecting to witness criminal dealings. Little do they know that Lucy has simply been set up on a blind date by her chief henchman and best friend, Scud (Jimmi Simpson) to meet an ex-KGB assassin named Ninotchka Kaprova (Jessica Cauffiel).
The story begins with Samantha (Julianne Nicholson) breaking up with Allegra (Elizabeth Reaser), a lesbian author who has had relationship problems in the past. Allegra meets a man named Philip (Justin Kirk) at a party, with whom she feels a connection. The next day, she meets Grace (Gretchen Mol), Philip's ex-girlfriend, although Allegra does not know about it. Allegra and Philip begin seeing each other, and Philip leaves Grace for good. Allegra sees Grace outside of a movie theater and Grace cries about her boyfriend leaving her. Allegra goes on a date with Philip, but she leaves after thoughts in her mind tell her it's wrong to be with a guy.