Khudgarz is a 1987 Bollywood film starring Jeetendra, Shatrughan Sinha, Bhanupriya and Govinda. The film marks the directorial debut of actor Rakesh Roshan. The movie was based on Jeffrey Archer's novel Kane and Abel. It was later remade into Tamil as Annamalai with Rajnikanth and Sarath Babu playing the male leads, and in Telugu twice as Prana Snehitulu and Kondapalli Raja. Jeetendra played a character of a friend who sacrificed everything for friendship.Synopsis
Sita Sinha (Sushma Seth) has brought up her son, Bihari and his friend, Amar as her own. The three are very close to each other. When they grow up they maintain their friendship and love for each other. Amar (Jeetendra) marries wealthy Jaya (Bhanupriya), and Bihari (Shatrughan Sinha) marries a labourer (Amrita Singh). Amar's dad, Mr. Saxena (Saeed Jaffrey) does not like Bihari, and schemes to separate them. He succeeds, and Bihari is humiliated. Bihari blames Amar, and swears to bring about his downfall at all costs.