Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo is a 1970 Japanese drama film directed by Kihachi Okamoto. It is the twentieth of a series of films featuring the blind swordsman Zatoichi. The main character is based on a fictional character, a blind masseur and swordmaster. He was created by novelist Kan Shimozawa and set during the late Edo period (1830s and 1840s).
In this film, the actor Toshiro Mifune plays a similar character to Sanjuro, the ronin (masterless samurai) in Akira Kurosawa's famous film Yojimbo (1961). Although Mifune is clearly not playing the same man (his name here is Daisaku Sasa, and his personality and background are different in many key respects), the film's title and some of its content play on the idea of the two iconic jidaigeki characters confronting each other. (Incident at Blood Pass, made in the same year, also stars Mifune in a role similar to that of Yojimbo.)Synopsis
Zatoïchi, dont la tête a été mise à prix, vient trouver refuge dans un village qu’il visita 3 ans auparavant. Mais l’endroit est depuis tombé entre les mains du parrain Masagoro, réputé pour avoir dérobé une cargaison d’or du Shogun. Masagoro vient d’embaucher un mystérieux garde du corps (Toshiro Mifune), amoureux de la maîtresse d’un marchand, père et rival de Masagoro. Ichi se fait recruter par ce marchand et commence à entretenir une étrange amitié / rivalité avec le garde du corps. La guerre entre les clans gronde…