Malabar Wedding is a 2008 Malayalam comedy film, made in India, and directed by the Rajesh-Faisal duo, who are Priyadarshan's associates. It has Indrajith and Gopika in lead roles.
The story is based on a custom called Sorakalyanam which is prevalent in some parts of Malabar. In this custom, before the marriage, friends have fun with the bride and groom, by making false stories and playing practical jokes upon them.
Critically acclaimed, new-generation composer Rahulraj scored the music for this film.Synopsis
A wedding planner 'Thaaraavu' Manikkuttan (Indrajith) and his friends always have fun at their friends' by putting the bride or groom in difficult positions. Often they play pranks on them, in turn humiliating them and laughing at their expense. Everyone knows that they will be at the receiving end, one day.