Khel (खेल) is a Hindi film that released in India in 1992. This romantic comedy film was directed by actor and film-maker Rakesh Roshan. Anil Kapoor, Madhuri Dixit, Sonu Walia, Anupam Kher and Mala Sinha form its main cast. Khel is one of the almost dozen films that Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit have done together.
The film's plot is similar to Hollywood films Bedtime Story and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.Synopsis
A rich widow Sulakshana Devi (Mala Sinha) lives with her son Ravi (Vijayendra Ghatge) and care-taker Balwant (Prem Chopra). One day, she receives the news that her son has died in a car accident. Meanwhile, a lady named Kamini approaches her and informs her that she is carrying her dead son Ravi's child. Sulakshana does not believe Kamini and turns her away. Sulakshana later learns from Ravi's friend Sanjay Gupta (Vivek Vaswani) that Kamini is indeed the mother of Ravi's child. Sulakshana tries her best to look for Kamini and get her home, but to no avail.